A review by stumpsv
Bloodshot by Cherie Priest


This was a pretty disappointing book, mostly because I am a Cherie Priest fan and love her steampunk Clockwork Century series (Boneshaker, Clementine, Dreadnought, and coming soon Ganymede). I don't typically read urban fiction, particularly those with vampires and romance. While BS misses the trifecta by leaving out the romance I don't think it really does anything spectacular for the genre. In fact reading it felt exactly like reading an UF, vampire, romance novel only without the romance. By the end of the novel there is some tenuous romance budding which I can only assume will be further elucidated in later novels (I believe this is the start of a series of novels) but this is hardly a saving grace.

In particular I disliked the glossing over of the plot through the use of vampiric powers and excess cash. The constant asides to the reader really break up the flow of the story and accentuate the shallowness of the work. It gets better about half way in but not by much. I actually liked some parts at the end and the ending was OK.

Overall I was really bored reading this and while it wasn't a chore it certainly wasn't very much fun either. I think my predominant feeling while reading this was surprise that this was the same author who wrote Boneshaker.

I had a tough time giving this 1 star, but I really can't say that I enjoyed this book. I highly recommend you read some of Cherie's other works as they are phenomenal.