A review by vasi83177
Haiku: Classic Japanese Short Poems by Hart Larrabee, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Matsuo Bashō, Shiki Masaoka


I truly recommend this version: ISBN 9781782743873.
You have selected poems from 4 different authors: Matsuo Basho, Yosa Buson, Kobayashi Issa, Masaoka Shiki.

The book is hard cover and has traditional binding.

Each page contains:
-- the author's name
-- the haiku in English
-- the haiku in Japanese (includes hiragana transcriptions on the kanji)
-- the haiku in Romanji (aka Latin alphabet, in case you want to see what it would sound in Japanese)

It really is a beautiful edition. You won't regret buying it.