A review by pagesplotsandpints
Happily Never After by Lynn Painter


Read Completed 3/13/24 | 3.75 - 4 stars
Lynn Painter is excellent with banter and this was another book that charmed me! I loved the chemistry between Sophie and Max and this was a cute concept that really took off. 

The thing that really threw me about this book was how much the two main characters — more so Sophie — hated loved and didn’t believe in it. I get it, I do, but when you’re reading a romance and for 90% of the book, the main character hates love, it gets really tiresome. I wish that was written just a bit different to maybe soften some of it so I could at least feel a little less negative about it. 

The characters really did have great chemistry, there were fun side characters, I loved the love story, and it was paced well, easy to fly through. I had a great time with the reading experience but I can’t let it go how negative Sophie was most of the time. She even got called out about it at work (which also, was highly inappropriate and unprofessional for her boss to tell her to get her personal life in order or else she wouldn’t get a promotion). 

I’ll still leave this at 4 stars and let the good feelings outweigh the bad!