A review by teachinsci
The Dresden Files Omnibus, Volume 1 by Mark Powers, Jim Butcher


As a big fan of the Dresden Files, I was worried that the graphic novelization would be ok but nothing grand. Boy was I happily mistaken.
The stories are completely intact. The artwork is compelling (mostly... not a huge fan of the climax of Fool Moon artwork).
Some have complained that there was some artistic license taken with heights of characters and such, but in these first comics, they seem very in tune with what the books say. Harry is tall, but not freakishly so... characters look roughly like they are described... Susan looks exactly like I had pictured. A great adaptation over all.
If you like the Dresden novels, you will like these. If you have never read them, do yourself a favor and check them out. If it happens that you le graphic novels, this is a wonderful easy to be introduced to the characters (although they should have put restoration of faith first).