A review by harleyrae
The Private School Murders by Maxine Paetro, James Patterson


I was not happy with this book. I had such high hopes, especially since I LOVED the first one. This book just made me mad.

When I first picked up this book I thought it was gonna be like the first one in that Tandy is trying to solve a murder. Well in some sense she is. Both the murder of her brothers girlfriend, and the murder of these girl around her age. But along the way since she is finally feeling emotions for the first time she is trying to pick up the pieces of the past she left behind, and to finally be able to see James again. I felt that this book centered to much around Tandy and James. There seemed to be very little detective work at all throughout the out, and I though there was suppose to be.

Also I could not stand Tandy, she reminded me to much of Max from one of James Patterson's other book, and I couldn't stand Max. That being said I did not like Tandy at all. It felt as if she thought she was better than everyone else, that she knew what she was talking about and the NYPD was just a bunch of fools.

All in all I did not like this book at all, and I'm not completely sure I'll be picking up the 3rd book in the series.