A review by adw7984
Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie


I really enjoy Catherine McKenzie’s books! They always have an interesting story-line that really sucks the reader in. This one was no different, and I was hooked from the prologue.

I had two little quips about some missing details. When Emma returns home, everything is shut off. Her bank account is frozen and she has no money and no place to live. The police give her a form to reactivate her bank account, but we never actually see her do this. Even a throwaway line saying that she finally got all her money back, or something to at least acknowledge the fact that she had done this would be nice. Instead we see her get the form and then go on a shopping spree. That kind of bugged me.

Another thing that bothered me was Dominic and Emily at the end of the story. He even says to Emma that it’s not what it looks like. Okay, well then what is it? We never got any explanation as to what had when down between those two before he came back to Emma. These are tiny things that bugged me, but overall did not ruin the book for me.

Emma is a sympathetic character that you cannot help but root for, and her friendships with Stephanie and Dominic are fun to read. I enjoyed reading about Emma getting back into her job and wondered if she really loved it, or felt an obligation.

Once again, Catherine McKenzie takes an unusual premise and delivers an amazing story that will keep you entertained for hours!

*This book was provided for review on Confessions of a Bookaholic. All thoughts and opinions are my own.