A review by paulabrandon
Sleepless by Lou Morgan


Ugh. This really wasn't my cup of tea! I got very fed up with it! I simply could not get past the fact that none of these teenagers would go to a doctor or their parents, even though they were having horrific side effects that were killing them. I mean, for heaven's sake! Get in trouble for taking an untested drug, or DIE? I know which option I would choose!

The book is basically the main character seeing something scary and horrible, only for it to be a vision brought on by the drug's side effects. Highly repetitive! The book just goes round and round in circles for the longest time. If I know everything is just a vision, how am I supposed to be in suspense? NONE OF IT IS REAL!!!! It caps off with an ambiguous ending, just to add insult to injury!

One of the worst horror books I've read!