A review by survivalisinsufficient
The World Turned Upside Down by Jack Vance, David Drake, Michael Sharra, C.M. Kornbluth, Murray Leinster, Poul Anderson, Christopher Anvil, Rick Raphael, Keith Laumer, Theodore Sturgeon, Robert Ernest Gilbert, Robert Sheckley, Fredric Brown, L. Sprague de Camp, H. Beam Piper, Fritz Leiber, Isaac Asimov, Gordon R. Dickson, Jim Baen, Wyman Guin, P. Schuyler Miller, C.L. Moore, Chester S. Geier, John W. Campbell Jr., A.E. van Vogt, Arthur C. Clarke, Lee Gregor, Tom Godwin, James H. Schmitz, Robert A. Heinlein, Eric Flint, Ross Rocklynne


I did love some of the stories in this collection (plus I'd never read the Heinlein before and I liked it). I rarely mind misogyny in sci-fi books (seriously! See aforementioned comment re: Heinlein), but the general vibe of this was a bit much for me. Basically, my problem with the book was this: the stories were ones that had some impact on the three editors when they were teenage boys (almost every intro included the line "I first read this when I was 13..."), and I don't have much in common with teenage boys in the 1960s. These stories would have worked much better for me mixed in with other stuff or as whole books where I knew what to expect.