A review by dollycas
Blood and Belonging by Vicki Delany


Dollycas’s Thoughts

I was in the mood for a quick adventure and this book fits the bill perfectly.

RCMP Sergeant Ray Robertson tries to take a long overdue vacation with his wife at one of the beautiful places in the world when his morning jog is interrupted by a dead body. He can’t believe it is one of his own Haitian police recruits. All vacation plans for Ray go on hold as he finds himself embroiled in a murder investigation that turns to be much more than one dead body on a beach.

I didn’t realize this was the third book in the series until I started to write this review and it stood solidly on its own.

I was worried about character and plot development, this being a “Rapid Read”, but RCMP Sergeant Ray Robertson is a strong character who I felt I knew pretty well when the story ended. His relationship with his wife may be in dire straights due to his dedication to his job. Not only does he spend so much time away from her but it is a dangerous job and she could lose him at any minute.

As for the plot, the author’s writing style was concise and direct and moved the story with an expert hand. The story deals with a hot issue the world is facing right now in real life. It is not a subject that can be dealt with lightly and the story becomes very complex.

I was truly impressed with this story and want to go back and read the first two books. I applaud Vicky Delaney for bringing us a complete suspenseful mystery in this very short format.