A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Last Wishes by V.E. Schwab


What a cute and amazing end of this trilogy! During those three books I really felt a connection with Aria, who was everything I think an Angel should be. Positive, Helping, Caring, Adaptive and a little ray of sunlight in the three very different lives of three very different girls who all needed a little push to become the best version of themselves they could be.

Just like the previous books, this book once again deals with a theme that is probably very familiar for a lot of children, also for me. As a child I put a lot of pressure on my shoulders. I wanted to have awesome grades, I wanted to be the best in everything and just like Mikayla I started to forget what made me like learning new things in the first place.

I loved how Schwab handled this topic, how she dealt with the causes of that pressure, with all the things kids carry on their shoulders even though they don't have to, with how things that are said over and over again can leave a life long lasting impression and not always for the better and how not every girl is made to be pitted against others. The story really felt familiar and in the end once again the tears were rolling down my cheeks.

What I loved however the most was Aria's little storyline. She realised there was so much left to do and left to discover in this world and she also realised that once Mikayla would have found her way back to herself, she would be gone forever. I loved the small challenges she had to deal with because of this issue and I loved how Aria's storyline and Mikayla were so entwined.

I really really enjoyed this trilogy and if Schwab ever writes more like these, I'll buy them right away!