A review by ameserole
The Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City by Jodi Kendall


The Unlikely Story of a Pig in the City was all kinds of cute. It definitely gave me 'Babe' vibes and I was all for it. In this, you will meet Josie. Now she lives in a very cramped house in the city. Well, until things get really cramped the day her brother brings home a piglet. Of course, everything thinks she's adorable. Well, almost everyone.

Then they think of the cutest name ever: Hamlet. Seriously it was adorable, and I had a feeling that things were just going to continue being that way. Josie and Hamlet had a serious connection. She would do anything for that little pig. It just hurts that her dad really wants to find the pig a home. Any home really.

Hamlet does the unthinkable and worms her way into all of their hearts. I mean, how could you not fall in love with that little cutie? Just when you think things are all happy the world takes a turn on them. Pigs apparently can't live in the city and that just about broke Josie's heart. So, now they have to find her a forever home which is a lot harder than you think.

In the end, this was all kinds of cute. I'm so happy that I found this book and can't wait for the next one in this series.