A review by tommooney
Borderline by Lawrence Block


BORDERLINE by Lawrence Block.
Do you enjoy the following: tightly written noir, detailed descriptions of women's breasts, detailed descriptions of horrific murders, pornograhy?
If you answered yes to all or any of these, you will love Borderline.
This old pulp novel, republished by Hard Crime, brings together a cast of debauched characters in Juarez and El Paso for what must be the most extreme book I have ever read.
There's a recently divorced sexpot, a professional gambler, a horny lesbian, a girl selling her body for car rides and a maniac with a stright-edged razor and a penchant for young girls.
It is a sordid, sexy, violent, offensive, shocking look at the Juarez underbelly of the 1960s.
And, though I hesitate to say it for fear of seeming a pervert or a maniac, I really quite enjoyed it.
I should say, as if it wasn't already obvious, it aint for the faint hearted.
I got this from the library shelves but it really should be locked in a safe room somewhere, only to be accessed by those who've passed a screening.
Good grief.