A review by mzhyde
The Offering by Kimberly Derting


The Offering is the final book in The Pledge series. I expected this book to be better than The Essence, but I can't really say that was the case.

Just as in The Essence I feel that some parts were confusing. I think this is partly due to the lack of world-building in this series. I feel that this series could've been much more ...
Next to the world-building I'm also sad that Charlaina didn't really grow as a character. She still makes stupid decisions and doesn't really care about the consequences. I'm still shocked how she copes with the death of her loved ones ... It's like she didn't care at all.
I also couldn't care less for the romance in this series, even though I'm a big fan of romance in books I just couldn't feel it ...

I really enjoyed The Pledge and I thought this would be the beginning of a good series, but after reading The Essence and The Offering I had to change my mind. This series started out very good and had an interesting concept, but unfortunately it only goes downhill from there. I wouldn't recommend the sequels.