A review by libbysbookshelf
The Healing by Gayl Jones


This is my second Jones book. My first was Corregidora; one of my favourite books ever. The Healing is a different beast altogether. 

Jones’s The Healing is about an African American spiritual healer and the story of how she became a healer. Her story involves a lot of dialogue with a lot of men she meets and the alternative rock star she manages. But Harlan — the protagonist — is a beautician by trade, like her mum and granny before her. Her husband or ex-husband is an anthropologist who is interested in African healers. There’s also a Black German character who’s incredibly paranoid and through whom we learn that there have been Black people in Germany for centuries and not just ex-slaves. There’s the Italian woman who wants to stay with her South African husband but she’s afraid of deportation. I could go on, but I’ll save some for you to discover. 

There are so many interesting characters in this book and they are all given ample space to develop and tell their stories. The novel is full of monologues and repetition and at times it feels almost rhythmic. Each character’s voice is loud and clear in my head even now. 

Although, Joan, the rock star, stared to try on my nerves, I defy anyone not to fall in love with Harlan; she was an utter delight and I’d love her to do my nails and makeup while we have a good chat. 

This book is not like many other books I’ve read. It’s unique. And it’s gorgeous.