A review by thewrittenadventure
Rellainia by Michaela Turcotte


Thank you to Netgalley and Sands Press for giving me the opportunity to read this novel!

There were many errors and misused words in the novel (using "manor" instead of "manner"). I would have thought that it would have been corrected, but it apparently had not been.

The pacing was too fast and did not allow for true character development to occur. The romance between Liam and Kelsey was rushed and didn't feel realistic at all. The characters did not seem to be real or life like at all. I found myself rolling my eyes at the grand gestures that the king would make so that he sounded more like an evil king. He would throw people across the room and it was almost comical. That's not how an evil king would act.

The writing seemed weak, you can definitely tell that this is the author's first novel. It could have used a few more eyes to look over it before it is published.