A review by panda_incognito
Image and Imagination: Essays and Reviews by C.S. Lewis


When I started reading this collection of Lewis's book reviews and literary criticism, I thought, "Oh, dear. This is way above my education level." However, even though parts of the book focus on his areas of expertise and assume a level of knowledge about ancient and medieval literature that most readers will not share, I still found the book engaging as a whole. I appreciated getting a glimpse into my favorite author's academic interests, and enjoyed the book reviews on more general and accessible topics, ranging from Christian nonfiction, books about society and history, poetic works, and others' literary criticism. Even though I have read very few of the books that Lewis reviewed, he provides engaging perspectives on a variety of topics.

I loved his reviews of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings even more than I had anticipated, and his heartfelt, vulnerable tribute to his late friend Charles Williams was my favorite part of the book. He reflected on the life, personality, and works of his friend with specificity and vividness, and also shared deep thoughts about the joys of friendship and the nature of death.

One of my favorite quotes from this collection was in the essay about Charles Williams. Lewis writes about his friend's life advice, "He also said that when young people came to us with their troubles and discontents, the worst thing we could do was to tell them that they were not so unhappy as they thought. Our reply ought rather to begin, 'But of course...' For young people usually are unhappy, and the plain truth is often the greatest relief we can give them. The world is painful in any case: but it is quite unbearable if everyone gives us the idea that we are meant to be liking it. Half the trouble is over when that monstrous demand is withdrawn."

Another quote that I found especially insightful was in one of the few reviews about a contemporary novel:

"The lack of detailed character-study is not a fault at all. An adventure story neither needs nor admits it. Even in real life, adventures tend to obliterate fine shades. Hardship and danger strip us down to the bare bones moral essentials. The distinction between shirker and helper, brave and cowardly, trusty and treacherous, overrides everything else. 'Character' in the novelist's sense is a flower that expands fully when people are safe, fed, dry, and warmed. That adventure stories remind us of this is one of their merits."

I enjoyed this book very much, and I'm glad that I finally got around to reading it. I appreciated Lewis's insight and thoughtful reflections on a variety of topics, and he provides an excellent model for writing book reviews, since he is clear, charitable, assesses the author's intent in addition to his own expectations, and provides succinct and persuasive criticism without judging an author's motives or neglecting to praise their knowledge and effectiveness in some area. Even though I would only encourage someone to read this collection if they are deeply invested in Lewis's work, I highly recommend it to those who are.