A review by misshashmeme
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde


"I hope you have not been leading a double life, pretending to be wicked and being really good all the time. That would be hypocrisy."

This play made me realise that Oscar Wilde was a genius.

The Importance of Being Ernest is a trivial comedy for serious people. Quite literally. One may say that it is a rather silly story of mistaken identities, lovers, and society. Two best friends, Algernon and Jack, are trying to woo a couple of women who think they are falling in love with a man named Ernest. However, they also claim that they wouldn’t love them so if their name was anything except Ernest.

“Literary criticism is not your forte, my dear fellow. Don’t try it. You should leave that to people who haven’t been at a University. They do it so well in the daily papers.”

Very subtly, the play attacks the elite society of Britain. Personally, I think it is relatable for almost all relatively "elite" societies worldwide. The high level of satire is still very relevant in the world. The characters are all depicted as exaggeratedly shallow and glib. They are rather ridiculous, yet somehow so real.

“If it was my business, I wouldn’t talk about it.”

The level of wit and sarcasm involved in this play is what makes it highly humorous, while still being very relevant. It has been relevant for the past century and I believe that it will remain to be relevant for generations to come.