A review by issianne
Pride and Premeditation by Tirzah Price


This one was pretty cute. It has the same characters from "Pride and Prejudice" but sets them in London with careers in law. Lizzie is slightly younger, more ambitious, and overall a fun main character. Jane takes a backseat (which was a bit of bummer because their interactions are always fun and adds to the depth of the original story). I loved Bingley as the suspect for murder since we all know he's a softboy. It takes a while for Lizzie and Darcy to start interacting (by page 100, they had only met briefly twice). But once they do, they were pretty cute. Darcy is definitely toned down in this version--he doesn't hate everyone for no reason as much as he seems to in the original. I feel bad because any retelling is going to be so heavily compared to the original text, but I did find this a fun, quick read that added some nice nuance to being a woman in this era.