A review by ryanpfw
The Delphi Resistance by Rysa Walker


I'm a big fan of the Chronos series by Rysa Walker, but found that a lot of the details from The Delphi Effect slipped away from me in the year or so since I read that novel, although I did give it five stars and marked it as one of my all time favorites. I went as far as to message Rysa and ask if there would be a recap video posted, or else I'd need to plan to reread Delphi Effect first. I wound up winging it, and I was surprised how much it all came back to me.

Pacing wise, as Chronos spends a lot of downtime at Catherine's house, we spend much of the book in the RV traveling up the East Coast, and at the beach house. As with the former series, I kept waiting for a bunch of bad guys to kick the front door in and never fully understood why they never responded with overwhelming force. Pacing wise, it was clear that Magda's gameplay was never going to come to fruition, so it seemed a misdirection to give the kids a voluminous assignment that they would start, not get too deeply into, and then abandon anyway.

The end mission, and specifically the use of Jaden and Daniel were incredibly well done. I felt a bit badly for Aaron and Anna coming back to the RV before backing out. They were the last people to see that coming!

It's always a good sign when I finish the last page and frantically try to turn to the next page anyway. Eagerly awaiting Book 3!