A review by readwithjenna08
Haunted Ever After by Jen DeLuca


Thank you NetGalley, Jen DeLuca, and Berkley Publishing Group for allowing me to read this eARC! The book comes out August 13.

Jen DeLuca has done it again! Stepping away from the Ren Fair world, and into the world of the paranormal, I was all in from the beginning. And I loved it!

Cassie Rutherford needed a change from her life in Orlando. All her friends are married and having babies and she felt lonely. She bought a house in a small Florida town called Boneyard Key. A haunted town that thrives on ghost tours and ghostly puns and merch.

She keeps having issues with her eclectic and charging her laptop so she goes down to the local cafe. This is where she meets Nick Royer, the grumpy cafe owner who talks to the previous tenant/owner of his apartment and cafe.

I loved Nick and Cassie’s story. But I was so intrigued by Elmer and Sarah. I wish we got more backstory on them both. Or a novella about them. I would love to read that!

Thank you again!