A review by literally_laura
Transformed: San Francisco by Suzanne Falter, Jack Harvey


I see a lot of people saying this isn't LGTBQ+ friendly because they say "fag". I almost let this turn me away. I'm so glad I didn't.
This is a story about a Westboro Baptist Church-esque religion nutjob that wants to rid to world of sin and believes God told him to stage chemical attacks in San Francisco. The only time anything derogatory is said against non-cis people is from his POV. Taking the haters viewpoint out of it, I found everything very realistic. Charley is a transman that was helped to transition pre-puberty by his Southern grandpa who works for the CIA gathering intelligence in some sticky situations. Electra is a NY socialite finding her way after a very public divorce. Her lawyer husband found out she had become a dominatrix and was practicing with his friends. The two met, sparks fly, and they save San Francisco with the help of a lesbian cop and a liberal dash of good luck. It's NSFW, but not explicitly sexual. Some of the content can't help but be a bit blushworthy for the less open readers.

Enough of that. I'm going to dive right in to #2!