A review by psalmcat
The Story Teller by Margaret Coel


Vicki Holden, the Arapaho lawyer, is asked by a tribal elder to investigate a ledger book he remembers seeing in a Denver museum when he was a child. That museum is now repatriating Native artifacts to several tribes. The ledger book--a vivid historical document written in pictographs by the tribal storyteller in the mid 19th-century--is not on the list of repatriated items the museum claims is all the have for the Wind River Reservation.

When Vicki arrives in Denver she crosses paths with Father John who has traveled there to try to convince his superior to fund a place at the mission to house and care for all these repatriated items.

Mayhem ensues. Dead bodies pile up and no one amidst to the existence to the ledger book, although they are quite definite about its dollar value. Eventually, Father John and Vicki track down a woman who has proof that the book existed. They head back to Wyoming--separately--and come face to face with people who are willing to do whatever they have to in their recovery of a million-dollar item. The bad guys fail, but not before Vicki and John realize how deeply they care for one another.

Glad to see them getting off the reservation, although the soap opera continues. Coel is going to have to do something with all this sexual tension she's created, soon.