A review by mellyjj
Because of the Sun by Jenny Torres Sanchez


**Actual rating: 3.5 stars**

I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED Jenny Torres Sanchez's other books, so expectations were high. And while I didn't love this as much as the others, I still think it was a good story about grief and pain and family.

Jenny Torres Sanchez writes emotion so well, and this was no exception. Dani's pain and numbness were palpable and heartbreaking. And I loved the fraught but ultimately loving relationship with her aunt Shelley. There is a lot of pain with her mother, before and because of her death, but they will both try to forgive and move on, but it will hurt.

The whole story is written in a fog, and it was disorienting but yet so natural. I wouldn't say this story is easily digestible, but it is worth it.