A review by kyliereads1
Mythology: Mega Collection: Classic Stories from the Greek, Celtic, Norse, Japanese, Hindu, Chinese, Mesopotamian and Egyptian Mythology by Scott Lewis, Madison Neiderhauser, Oliver Hunt


I'm new to audiobooks and a die-hard fan of mythology since childhood, especially Greek and Roman (because that's what I learned in school.) I really enjoyed the portion on Norse mythology. I may have liked the Greek a bit better but, as stated, I've been obsessed since I was young so I'm a little too familiar. I think there may have been a better way to present pretty much all of the rest of the mythologies discussed in this collection. I've been inspired to read up on them separately - specifically because once you hit the Hindu mythology it starts to feel like a laundry list of facts more than the stories being given life. Maybe that's an issue of length (it's a 30 hour audiobook) or maybe, as I suspect, it's an issue of presentation. Good background noise and probably not bad as a starting point but definitely could be improved upon.