A review by chelcadventures
Hopeless: Special Edition by Elsie Silver


“You don’t tell a person you love them with the expectation they’ll say it back. You tell them because you want to. You tell them because it's true.”

When it comes to Elsie Silver’s books, I am downright hopeless. This is the last of the Eaton clan, and I am equal parts sad that it’s over and happy that it happened. The 5th and final Chestnut Springs story delivered Elsie’s signature combination of fire chemistry and spice with main characters who complement each other and don’t overshadow one another. I also love that we got the Eaton vs Jensen development that was explored a little bit in the earlier books. Sadly, no more TPing tractors this time, though!

Things I loved:
☕️ Fake engagement trope in a small-town - sign me up every time!
☕️ Beau. Eaton. - “Tier one operator. Asker of obvious questions. Shaver of