A review by litwrite
Endurance by Jack Kilborn


2 stars - this book is obviously a self publish, could have used a good liberal editing job, lots of typos, etc. Too much torture porn, and not enough characterization. Felt like a book that was written to become a movie. I liked the inherent idea of women who run triathlons being forced to cope in unbearable circumstances but the book really did *not* go the way I thought it would and took a freaky and unwanted turn into the macabre rather than suspense. I don't mind gore or I wouldn't read so many zombie novels but I felt that the whole triathlon thing just became a gimmick rather than a plot detail inherent to the story.

If you like Texas Chainsaw Massacre type stuff (which is really the closest comparison to this book) it would be worth the 2.99 price on Amazon, otherwise I'd say skip it.