A review by mysta
The Architect of Sleep by Steven R. Boyett


Despite the cheesy-dimestore-SciFi-fantasy cover that totally had me fooled for a long time, this is one of the most interesting novels I've read. It temporarily got me out of a reading funk when I was in university and didn't have the energy to read more than what was required of me unless it was particularly good. The style in which it's written is very interesting, almost like the main character is actually sitting down and talking to you, going off on tangents and mentioning things that will happen later, etc. A bit disappointing that we'll never get to see the rest of the series (why do people have to ruin a good thing?), but I've never minded open-ended stories, even ones as open-ended as this one. I'd definitely recommend it for anyone interested in language or world building, because that is where this book excels (and also, I mean, how can you go wrong with bipedal racoons who ride llamas?)