A review by tasmanian_bibliophile
Ascendance: Dave vs. the Monsters by John Birmingham


‘The monsters are back. They’re here. In the city.’

Don’t make the same mistake as I did. Start with ‘Emergence’ and then read ‘Resistance’ before tackling ‘Ascendance’. Dave Hooper’s world may not necessarily make more sense, but it will be a lot more fun to be part of. And it’s important to know just how Dave Hooper, an American oil rig worker, became a hero.

‘Is this daemon bothering you, ma’am?’

Now that you’ve read the first two books, you’ll be happy to know that Dave continues to battle the monsters who’ve been unleashed on the world. With his trusty enchanted splitting maul (her name is Lucille), his ability to stop time and his superspeed, Dave should be almost invincible. Especially now that Karen Warat (or is it Varatchevsky?)and her magic sword have joined him. She’s ultra competent and sexy, and a Russian deep cover agent, and she knows just how to keep Dave going.

‘I might indeed be cool, had I any idea of what you speak.’

And the monsters? Well, they haven’t been marking time. And they are not all as nice as Threshy. There are a lot of cunning monsters out there, and they appear to be getting assistance from some traitorous humans. Whatever is the world coming to? Dave and Karen are almost overwhelmed in New York. The monsters are learning about human technology and how to adapt, and some of the demons can use empathy. Dave is not finding this battle easy. So how will it end? Read on, and find out.

Just don’t take it all too seriously, there’s plenty of humour in there as well.

‘It was almost like a date, except he was a razor-toothed Hell daemon intent on enslaving all mankind, and she was his captive.’

Note: My thanks to Momentum Books and NetGalley for an opportunity to read an advance copy of this novel.

Jennifer Cameron-Smith