A review by mysticaltype2
Blood Wyne by Yasmine Galenorn


I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this book. Blood Wyne is probably my favorite book in the series so far. Since the beginning I have always look forward Menolly's book. She is my favorite of the sisters her character has grown so much since the first book.
First off this book was filled with things that are going to make future books much more interesting and complicated. All of the little mini stories that wound there way through Blood Wyne made for one hell of a story. Delilah didn't have much of a part in this book since she is still on the disabled list but I can't wait to read more about Shade. Ivana Krask the Elder Fae scares the crap out of me. She was so well written into the story that I wanted to know more. The budding relationship Menolly develops with Roman the big time vamp with ties to vamp royalty. Nerissa and Menolly are ones of my favorite couples in the series that I read. Looking forward to many more great outings with the sisters in future books.
I only complaint that I have is the same one I always have at the end of such an awesome Yasmine Galenorn book............I ran out of pages. :):):)