A review by siobhan27
Promise of Shadows by Justina Ireland


Like I have said before i am a sucker for everything Greek Mythology and it so happens that I found Promise of Shadows in the Simon and Schuster catalog and once I saw the premise I knew I had to read it, and I have to say this is one of my favorite Greek mythology adaptations i have read in a very long time.

Zephyr is our narrator and I have to say I love her so much. I really wish she was a real person because I have a feeling we would be best friends. I think what I loved lost about her was the fact that she was not up front with the readers about her past and what she did. We first meet her when she is in Hell for killing a God. Now first of all this is bad-ass in a of itself because it is not everyday that you read about a girl kicking the ass of someone that is not only older than her but also very much larger than her. And I thought that was very refreshing to read.

I also loved the secondary characters and how much they added to the overal story arc. There was one in particular that I found very interesting and that was Tallon. He was Zephyr's childhood friend that comes back to rescue her because they believe that she is the savior for all. But the tension that is between these two character is amazing, and reading it was both frustrating and amazing at the same time. Their relationship was a large part of why I loved this book so much.

Another reason I loved this book was the mystery element, Zephyr might have been told that she is the savior of all mankind but what does that really mean? And quite frankly finding out with her as you read was a great way to get into not only the story but her character as well. I really loved her and I really hope that there is a second book to this story because I would really like to revisit these characters and see what is happening with them.