A review by librarypatronus
Memory Lane by Ellen Goodlett, Sara Shepard


3.5 stars...This was fast-paced, which usually I love in a thriller, but it was almost too abrupt at the end. There wasn’t a page count listed, but it was very short. I read it in one sitting, less than 2 hours, and was kept enthralled the entire time. When I put it down though, I had a moment of “wait, what?” about the ending.

This follows a young woman and her not-very-motherly Mom, who she always thinks of as Cassie, as they try to share memories and find out what’s real and what isn’t. I loved how right off the bat you just knew something wasn’t going quite right, I don’t tend to like when thrillers pack all the thrilling bits at the end. The end wrapped up a bit too neatly, and just didn’t make sense to me. I know we suspend some disbelief to believe they can share memories, but how it all tied together was a little much. Overall, I found it a very enjoyable reading experience and would definitely recommend picking it up.