A review by helpfulsnowman
East of West Volume 5: All These Secrets by Jonathan Hickman


I love East of West, and also it feels like each trade has about 15 minutes of reading in it, and everything is ABOUT to happen all the time. It's like when they played Dragonball Z on Cartoon Network. You'd watch that shit for weeks, and all that happened was a couple dudes clenched and unclenched their fists, and maybe you'd get some internal dialogue like:

"I can't defeat him. His power level is off the charts!"

And then the villain would chuckle a little bit like he could hear what the main character was saying in his head and he was like "Totally right, dude."

But I kept watching because it always seemed like something totally rad was ABOUT to happen. It's like that show was the best show ever and you could feel it, but you never actually SAW any of the awesome shit. There was just constant travel between things that should be awesome. Hell, it took forever for this dude to run down a really long trail in the clouds because he died and that's how you come back to life. And then he figured out he could fly, which cut down time, but he still followed this curvy-ass path instead of going straight! Just to kill time! I assume!

I ask you, what the hell kind of awesome punching and kicking show has a sequence where a dude runs down a really long road? You do that in montage, goddamnit!