A review by crystal_reading
Revenge of the Angels by Jennifer Ziegler


Review copy: ARC from publisher

The Brewster triplets made me laugh. That they wanted to be wise men was fantastic and I was rooting for them the whole time. They plotted and planned and worked towards their goals even when they seemed nearly impossible.

This book worked much better for me than the first one. I had trouble keeping the triplets straight in Revenge of the Flower Girls, but that became easier in this second book. I also appreciated that there were several plot lines, but this time none of them seemed quite so serious as the prevention of a marriage. Added together though, they provided just the right amount of tension.

The girls keep getting themselves into trouble, but they also manage to help each other back out of it. I had to giggle as they fell in and out of scrapes throughout the book. The girls use both their wits and courage to solve their problems and it was a fun time watching it all unfold. This is a nice light realistic middle grade novel that is sure to be a hit especially around the holidays.
