A review by hobbitfreddie
Adulthood Is a Myth by Sarah Andersen


Cute and pretty relatable in some points. It’s very short and I knocked it out super quick in one go, so for that reason it’s not much of a time sink if you don’t enjoy it. It’s just alright to me, not to say it’s horrible it’s more that its something I’ve seen too much of I think.

It kinda bugged me as I went into this wanting to read it for the title. I thought it would be a bit of a critique on the whole “act like an adult” thing which is different for everyone. Especially neurodivergant people, but it wasn’t really that. Idk what I was expecting as it’s more of a fuck you to “acting mature”. I mean yeah “acting mature” is kinda bollocks, but this was kinda just the whole comic. Cuz like yeah you shouldn’t have to act like the stereotypical “adult” when you reach adulthood but most the comic just reads as “being an adult is so lame lol I’m so quirky”. Almost infantilizing of people who don’t fit into society’s view of “adults”. Which kinda felt a bit annoying at times idk. I know I shouldn’t expect like meaningful commentary on not fitting in from a gag comic but hence why it doesn’t work as a published book. I feel like I’m being too hard on this cuz they’re just silly web comics but since it’s a published physical comic I’m gonna just review it like any other comic.

I saw reviews that say this works better as a comic strips on a social media post and I think I agree. It doesn’t really work as an actual book. It’s something that’s in its best medium when you see one strip pop up on your dash while scrolling. The one pro to reading this in a published book is the cover is fuzzy and I scratched at it while I read.

I do think the art is cute (simple but fits the chaotic style) and there were some genuinely pretty funny strips. If it’s at the library and you have an hour or less to turn your brain off with a fun book I’d recommend this. But I feel your better just looking up relatable comics online. I just wasn’t really into this one.