A review by ellesandiego
The Man In The Cupboard by Colin Cheong


Ending was kind of disappointing, I was very invested and wanted to know what happened. But this
book is one of those ‘you decide your ending’ books. it’s left off with two or three conspiracies and you have to figure out which one you believe in. I have a hate love relationship with books like this. The book is almost always fantastic, but then I get extremely disappointed by the ending. For example, The Giver. Really really good, but the ending was disappointing.

Other than the ending, very good! It was interesting reading a book written in another country and see how they write things. The book originates from Singapore and it’s cool to see because their main language is also English, but they write words differently. Like pajamas is pyjamas. Or jewelry is Jewellery. Anyway, really good book!!