A review by ngallion
Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear


Man, I don’t want to give this book five stars. I did t even really want to read it. The entire self-help genre just isn’t my thing because it so often uses the formula of “state one relatively obvious principle, then look at it from every possible angle until everyone is sick of it.” This book, though, takes a slightly different approach. It points out ways that our subconscious works for/against us in ways that are obvious, but that we almost certainly overlook. It makes recommendations for how we could reorder small areas of our lives to get better results, and then it moves on to the next observation. No beating of dead horses here. It’s a quick, breezy, enlightening read that is likely to get even the most jaded person thinking about the million little choices we make that characterize our lives and what we might do to get different outcomes. Good stuff.