A review by bookishlyruby
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Eleven by Elisabeth Naughton, Jessica Scott, Laura Kaye, Donna Grant, Kristen Proby, Meghan March


Review originally posted at Ruby's Books

*Disclaimer: I received an eARC of this book from InkSlinger PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not influence my rating or the content of my review in any way.

You guys probably already know I love the 1001 Dark Nights project a lot, and it shouldn't be a surprise that I enjoyed this collection.

EASY FOR KEEPS: by Kristen Proby

I enjoyed this story a lot. I liked that it wasn't full of intrigue, mystery and such. It was actually a lot more laid back than the rest of the stories in this bundle, but no less powerful. Sarah is a wonderful heroine, one that's been through a lot, but she's a fighter. Adam is sexy and funny and I truly liked him. I liked how their story developed and I'm curious to see if there's a chance to get a glimpse into their future in some future, related book.

Rating: 4 cups

UNCHAINED: An Eternal Guardians Novella by Elisabeth Naughton

I've been wondering about how the story of Prometheus was going to be addressed in this series and I'm so glad I wasn't disappointed. I need to go back to reading this series from the start, but I am super excited by how his myth was explained. I am very curious to see if he'll end up finding all the elements he hid.

Rating: 4 cups

HARD TO SERVE: A Hard Ink Novella by Laura Kaye

It's been a while since I last read a BDSM story that challenged me. Kyler was a great hero, one that has some secrets and some really important stuff to deal with. I liked how he addressed the fact that there's a pretty big difference between the vanilla persona and the BDSM aspect of one's life, and the struggles to reconcile both sides. I thought that was truly interesting. Mia was also a very intriguing character. I liked how surprising she was, especially with her likes and dislikes. I really enjoyed this introduction to the Blasphemy series, I'll definitely read more books in this series.

Rating: 4.5 cups

DRAGON FEVER: A Dark Kings Novella by Donna Grant

It's been a while since I last read a Dark Kings story, so I was very happy with being reminded that I need to pick up this story. The thing I liked most in this story, aside from the sexy dragon, was how, eventually, Rachel gets to ask herself the question that I don't think I've seen asked in books that much, when involving journalists or just people who make it their mission to expose the truth about something, and that is consequences. I liked the idea that a character who sees themselves as a generally good person, eventually get to ask those questions and to think about how they're not just simply telling the truth. I also liked the fact that Con, the King of Kings isn't fully good. I wonder if that will be explored when he gets his book. Definitely need to check this series out fast.

Rating: 4.5 cups


This was an interesting book. Eden seemed like the world's unluckiest character ever. It seemed like a bit too much, to be honest, and I like that we get to understand why that is exactly. I enjoyed her story, to be honest. As I was reading it I had a feeling this was the longest novella in the bundle, not that it's a bad thing, but at times I wished the story would have progressed a little bit faster. I liked reading about Bishop. He was a very intriguing character, and completely different than what I expected of a tattooed, bearded, giant of a man, especially given his backstory. I am curious about the other characters in the book and I am definitely thinking about checking out the rest of the books in the series, especially if it's all happening in New Orleans.

Rating: 4 cups

BEFORE I FALL: A Falling Novel by Jessica Scott

Out of all the stories in this bundle, this one was the most heartbreaking. Beth is an interesting character to read about. I got a bit angry at her towards the end, but then I completely understood where she was coming from. I liked the fact that we get to see how military can be seen both by someone that knows the system and by someone who's so far from the subject, they think it's almost a foreign concept. The story is heartbreaking, but also full of hope and love. I really enjoyed reading about Noah and Beth.

Rating: 4 cups

All in all, this was a great bundle, as usual, from the 1001 Dark Nights team, and I am really impatiently waiting for the next one.

Final Rating: 4 cups