A review by okiecozyreader
Let's Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir by Jenny Lawson

lighthearted reflective fast-paced


I have meant to read this book for years. I even got to go to Nowhere Bookstore and get a book there. Her husband came up to me and was so nice and said that Jenny was in the back and she would be glad to sign it. So she did, and she was lovely. Lovely. She commented on my momadvice shirt and said several authors on it were friends of hers. It was such a fun experience.

So now that I’m finally reading the books - and this one is so much about her life with her husband - it brings me so much clarity that I should have known then. 

Probably most people who have visited her blog or her instagram (or probably her Twitter), know she suffers with anxiety and depression. This book covers that - in a humorous way, as well as growing up super poor (using bathtubs as a pool outside (stories of what her grandmother let her eat made me laugh so much), but there are also hard things like drug use, pregnancy loss, and of course, general personality disorder…. Oh and lots of profanity (with chapters title with the f bomb, and talks of vagina - until it becomes a drinking game at the end)

It’s amazing to me how many Goodreads reviews there are for these books. If you have a crazy friend who tells you the most bizarre stories, you will feel right at home.
The book has photos throughout and she narrates the audio.

“When I read these stories to friends I’m always shocked when they stop me to ask, “Wait, is that true?” during the most accurate of all of the stories. The things that have been changed are mainly names and dates, but the stories you think couldn’t possibly have happened? Those are the real ones. As in real life, the most horrible stories are the ones that are the truest. And, as in real life, the reverse is true as well.” Introduction

“…we all stayed in the relative safety of our house and asked a series of questions designed to indicate the level of danger of whatever Daddy would be exposing us to. We’d learned to interpret his answers accordingly, and had invented what we would later refer to as “The Dangerous Thesaurus of My Father.”  
    An abridged version: …
   “Put your dark coat on.”=“You’re probably going to get blood on you.” 
    “Now, this is really interesting.”=“You’ll still have nightmares about this when you’re thirty.” 
      “Don’t scream or you’ll scare it.”=“You should really be running now.” 
        “It just wants to give you a kiss.”=“It’s probably going to eat your face off.
Jenkins, you mother…

A quote from her dad 
“ A friend is someone who knows where all your bodies are buried. Because they’re the ones who helped you put them there.” 
He was right. And sometimes, if you’re really lucky, they help you dig them back up.” 
Honestly, I don’t even know

“Because you are defined not by life’s imperfect moments, but by your reaction to them. Because there is joy in embracing—rather than running screaming from—the utter absurdity of life.” Epilogue

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