A review by duffypratt
Fugitive Prince by Janny Wurts


Haven't reviewed the first three books, but I liked them pretty well. This one is the beginning of a third story arc in this long series, and for me, it pretty much seemed to be spinning its wheels. There's an awful lot of verbiage expended for not that much of a payout. There's something off-putting about Wurts' style. In short bursts, her writing can be quite beautiful. But for any extended length and the convoluted sentence constructions just start to wear on me. I particularly dislike how often she uses, improperly, the construction, If this, then... She almost always uses it where the "if" clause is not stating a condition or possibility, but rather describing something factual. Once in a while, this would be OK, but it begins to feel like the construction appears on every page, and sometimes more. And the other thing is that I typically would not notice things like that if I find a novel otherwise engaging. Here, I just do not.

Not sure whether I will continue with this series. Too bad, because the beginning had a lot of promise.