A review by fatimareadsbooks
The Buried Symbol by Jeffrey L. Kohanek


I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This in no way impacted my views and opinions below.

So, I found this book very easy to read. It wasn't the best; it wasn't mindbogglingly awesome, but I certainly didn't hate it. Sure, I had a few issues but... we'll deal with them later. There were so many amazing elements - the world, the characters... They were so refreshing to read about!

As always, we'll talk about the protagonist first. I found Brock to be a very pleasant character, to say the least. He was so agreeable and nice, I had no problems reading about him. It's just that, his character kind of lacked depth. He read more like an 11 year old to me. He seemed one-dimensional. I wanted to see what really went on inside him. I just thought his motivations were shallow; I wanted to actually connect, but unfortunately that did not happen.

The cast of characters was so charming, though! The bond between Tipper and Brock was really something special and I actually felt like their friendship had an amazing dynamic. What I thought didn't have an amazing dynamic, however, was Brock and Ashland's relationship. I didn't like how fast Brock found himself infatuated with every single woman he met. I mean, come on. Their relationship was so predictable, and the moment she was introduced I was all, "Yep, we're doing this again." I just wish more effort was put into building up their romantic relationship instead of it just being an afterthought.

The world-building and setting were very refreshing, though. They weren't very complex, and they made this book just what I wanted to read at that moment. The world is very nicely fleshed out - but not too detailed -which I thought was perfect. I loved the overall undertones of adventure and mystery and friendship in this book. To me, it slightly echoed Harry Potter. Also, the author does leave many things to be desired at the end of the book. So many unanswered questions and loose ends... I'd love to know what happens next!

Overall, I thought this was a pretty solid read. It was well-written and had an appreciable amount of action. It has great potential and lots of intriguing questions that I must know the answer to. The main character is kind of too underdeveloped, so what I'm hoping for is that he grows more as a character in the sequel. (:

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