A review by catgirl_luna
The Trees Have Eyes: Horror Stories From The Forest by P. Oxford, P.F. McGrail, Candice Azalea Greene, JP Carver, Blair Daniels, Adrian J. Johnson, Grant Hinton, Nick Botic, J.D McGregor, Tobias Wade, Alanna Robertson-Webb, A.J. Horvath, Kelly Childress, Billy Stuart, Dustin Chisam, Tara A. Devlin, David Clark, Jazzmin Moysey-Forrestall, J. Speziale, Gemma Amor, Raf / H.G. Gravy, Kyle Harrison


I received an advanced reader digital copy from the author's website for an honest review

Like with all anthologies there will always be stronger stories and weak stories. I found myself really kind of wondering when I was going to get to the end of the book at one point because a lot of the stories just seemed to drag on even though they were fairly short. The overall theme of the book was stories dealing with the woods or the unknown. The forest, like the ocean, has always held a fascination with what could be hiding between the trees or could be stalking us while we sleep soundly in our tents. Which is and can be a fun topic and idea to explore. In this anthology, however, I felt like it was just dragging on. While each story was unique and had interesting twists and turns, I felt like there were only maybe three to four stories really worth it in this book. There are 44 different stories in this book and I can only recall those three or four that I enjoyed and remembered. It might be that all of them while exploring the same topic of the woods or the unknown, were so varying that it didn't hold my attention or kept me as interested as I could have been. Some stories too were a little unnecessarily gory. While I am perfectly fine with gore in my horror both visual and read when it just goes on and on describing every little detail it loses me. While I love exploring new authors this way, this one was a little bit of a miss for me.

2.5 Stars