A review by nikrodee
The Sandcastle Empire by Kayla Olson


Red Dawn meets Maze Runner meets Lost.

I've been in such a book funk lately, it's so hard to find a really good dytopian novel anymore for me. This book definitely fixed that for me, and it's a standalone novel!

The concept and execution of this book are amazing. A world at war always needs people with a fierce need to survive and a rebel alliance willing to die for their cause. I will admit, the beginning of the book was a little slow for me and I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of this war basically being started by poor to take from the rich Robin Hood style; but once I learned more of the natural disasters due to climate change that were plaguing the world and the explanation given as to why the country was in such a rich versus poor state I understood a little more. Once our main character Eden got to the island however I couldn't put the book down.

Eden is one of those characters that you don't think can do much until she has no other choice. All of the characters were very well developed and trusting or not trusting them was half the pressure of reading. The things our characters went through at the hands of the Wolves and the Island are brilliant and horrific and totally unexpected. The book kept you guessing around every corner what would happen, though I had a few guesses proven correct they still came about in some unexpected ways.

If you like any kind of dystopian novel I promise you will definitely enjoy this one. I suggest this book to anyone and everyone. Two thumbs up.