A review by bbckprpl
There's an Elf in Your Book by Tom Fletcher


My youngest nephew & niece (almost 6 and 3.5, respectively) will be sharing a copy of Tom Fletcher’s There’s A Dragon in Your Book, as we’re currently reading There’s an Elf in Your Book as our Christmas Facetime read, and they love it. I love this series too, as they’re all participatory kind of stories: Don’t get tricked into being naughty by the Christmas Elf; Help the Dragon put out the fire in this book by blowing on it, or turning the pages as quickly as you can, that kind of thing. Always on the lookout for books that keep kids entertained & engaged with whatever it is we’re reading, especially since we’re reading long distance right now, and sometimes that’s extra tough. Plus, there’s one for all occasions, which is one of my favorite things when it comes to series for kids: All the littles in my life ask if there’s “a birthday/Valentine’s Day/Halloween/Etc book’ in whichever series we happen to be reading at the time.