A review by boredomandwordsofbooks
The Complete Stories of Robert Louis Stevenson: Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Nineteen Other Tales by Barry Menikoff, Robert Louis Stevenson


I started reading this because of the second book in the Beautiful Creatures series. Each of those books references a different classic novel or so I've gathered from the first two books. Jekyll and Hyde was the one referenced in this one. So, since I hadn't read Jekyll and Hyde yet, and had it for free on my Kobo Mini eReader I decided to read it before I went any further in Beautiful Darkness.

I'm pretty sure everyone knows the general plot of Jekyll and Hyde but in case you don't. This book is told from the perspective of a lawyer who is friends with Jekyll and cousins to a person who has had an experience with Hyde. The rest of the book consists of the lawyer trying to figure out who this Hyde was and protect Jekyll from him because he's been described as garish and unpleasant.

It wasn't until the end that we get to the classic story we know and love of a monster and a man trapped in the same body unleashed by this drug Jekyll concocted. This account is from two people, first Lanyon another of Jekyll's friends and then Jekyll himself.

Over all this book was good, the language would have been a little bit annoying had I not had a push dictionary at my disposal. But that's to be expected since this book is very old, when the English language actually had intelligent people.