A review by lattelibrarian
The Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages


What an incredible, amazing book.  I immediately fell in love once I come across the lines, paraphrased, "How come you're reading The Boy Mechanic?" / "There wasn't one for girls."  Already, so many things are addressed.  Not to mention, of course, the fact that Dewey has a disability--one of her legs is shorter than the other.  And not to mention that her eventual best friend is a fat girl who loves art.  And not to mention that her other two friends are twins who love comics and having a good time.  Or the fact that the twins' older brother is having difficulty getting into college because of how top secret this operation is--his high school's address is a PO Box.  

So many things are addressed in this fantastic book, even besides what I've already mentioned.  Morals, ethics, death, grieving, bullying, growing up, found family.  Klages has done a fantastic job weaving information about the Manhattan Project into such a captivating novel.

And that ending?  Can we talk about that?  Because holy crap, I knew it was coming because, well, it's history, but the way in which it's framed...absolutely chilling and heartwrenching and shocking.  This book is so many things, and wonderful is certainly one of them.  

Review cross-listed here!