A review by polythenegirl
Glass Town Wars by Celia Rees


I was given a digital review copy of this in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was drawn to it (once again) by the cover and the cover alone. That along with the title reminded me of John Green-esque contemporary book. When I read the synposis it seemed much more sci fi based so I thought 'Why Not?' and clicked request.

We start out by being introduced to Tom, a young man in a coma. How he got there we don't know beyond a social media following of #heroinacoma, and a dodgy girlfriend and Best Mate who are cheating on him together. We then meet Lucy and Joe who are less connected but seem to care more. Lucy is someone who comes to Tom's room in the hospital to read to him and Joe is one of the nurses attending to him. The Dodgy Best Mate then decides that this is a good time to test a piece of tech on Tom. Its sort of like a babblefish from HItchhiker's but it puts him into a false reality where he has various adventures.

Overall this was a confusing book. I liked it is so far as I could grasp where we were and what was going on. There was supposed to be a basis/underlying story that had Bronte undertones but, in all honesty, if I hadn't been told I wouldn't necessarily know that.

The writing was good in and of itself, the world building was where the book lacked. It felt very confusing and very 2 dimensional. I would have loved to have learnt more about the places.

This was a 2.5/5 for me! (rounded up to 3 for GoodReads)