A review by cute_monkey_girl
The Artemis Fowl Files by Eoin Colfer


Actual rating is 3.5.

I would highly recommend reading this book after reading [b:Artemis Fowl|249747|Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)|Eoin Colfer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327945104s/249747.jpg|1334778] and [b:The Arctic Incident|114955|The Arctic Incident (Artemis Fowl, #2)|Eoin Colfer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388294381s/114955.jpg|508999] because there are massive spoilers for both of those books in this one. It's not necessary to read this book to understand the others, but it's good for clarification and information if you're curious or the type of fan who has to know the details or enjoys the details.

The reading level is definitely middle-school level, and this book only has two stories: LEPrecon (which gives the backstory to how Holly got into the LEP) and The Seventh Dwarf (a short story where Mulch Diggums and Artemis are partners in crime). Everything else in the book is background on the People, their technology, transport locations, the Gnommish Alphabet, and the Fairy Code (this does not include the coded fairy text on the bottom of the book pages). There's also a copy of Artemis's report card (comedic gold) and interviews with all of the major players from [b:Artemis Fowl|249747|Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl, #1)|Eoin Colfer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327945104s/249747.jpg|1334778] and Eoin Colfer.