A review by ingo_lembcke
Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia


Started February 18th, 2013.
Great start. One disturbing thing for me: whenever there is direct speech, there is only an opening quote, no closing quote and the next sentence can be both direct speech or thoughts of the person speaking - you have to draw the conclusion which is which from context.
While the main characters are both teenagers and in love, sex is only mentioned late in the book, like they never thought of it, but being 15-16 years old that is rather not realistic.
Being 400 pages, and a good, nice twist at the end (which I never saw coming), I think it could have worked better for me with either sex, more action or a 100 pages less, it felt too long. But still worth reading, and for that 4 stars. Hoping they film it lavishly, they could use some great settings and lots of costumes.
I will read the next book(s) when it is decided wether it (they) will be filmed. For now I will read something different.