A review by bookniffler
Maggie Dove by Susan Breen


I was provided with a free copy of this ebook in exchange for my honest review.
I was hoping for a mystery to keep me on the edge of my seat. Sadly, this did not fit the bill. The main character is Maggie Dove, a late middle aged Sunday school teacher. Her sleuthing abilities, while adventurous for a person with a seemingly otherwise boring life, were not very well portrayed. She jumped from one conclusion to the next and the townspeople didn't ever seem bothered to answer her meddling questions. I felt that a lot of the involved characters lacked depth. Much is made of the chief of police's background, but it is never really explored. It could have made for a very interesting avenue in the story. I didn't like that the ending seemed so tidy when there was so much suspicion and bad sentiment between the characters without any real resolution.