A review by alwaysreadingreview
After the Final Dandelion by Brooke Williams


This is the third book in this series, Dandelions. Book #1 is Accept this Dandelion. Book #2 is Dandelions on the Road. It is nice to be back with the Accept This Dandelion gang and to see what the couples are up to from Book ! & 2.

This book is about the wedding of Renee and Ben, who met in the first book when Renee was on the Accept This Dandelion show. The KETO producer, Mike, wants Renee and Ben to air their wedding live. I would not do this. I wanted our wedding about us. Our styles. We got that. Will Renee and Ben have their wedding as their style or will it be what the producers want?

This was well written. This was also funny and sweet. I think you need to have read the first 2 books to completely understand somethings. I really hope that there is a fourth book to see what happens with Eva and Brian.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars.
Recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Read more from this author? Yes!

Happy Reading!